heys everyone....this past week been quite bored man....its really good i can borrow a tv from one of my friends...heh..tv is something i kinda take quite for granted when i hav it...its like wifout it theres almost completely nothing else to do but stay in front of the comp...surf the net ...play game...but theres only so much for both...oh wait theres one thing tht kinda stood out during the week...MIAMI HEATS WON THE NBA CHAMPIONSHIP WITH D-WADE AS MVP!!..haha...u may ask..who is d-wade....well..he graduated from my uni!!...woo hoo....he graduated abt 3 yrs ago....and at the age of 24...he won the championship and a playoffs mvp title...thts a huge achievement man...so cool...i watched the games at my friend's place..yea cos no tv..heh...but more fun like tht...oo..the weather here has been beautiful too..i mean its supposed to be summer time here..but instead the temperature here is like 20 degrees average...like now at 952pm here its 17 degress..yea there r some hot days definitely...but i expected daily spore-type temp....but here its like the mountains' type of temp...heh..don get jealous...=)
psychology is probably the most interesting class i hav taken ...its seriously interesting...well most parts of it at least...considering tht im studying bio again in the chapter biopsychology....but other than tht...like studying abt personality..human memory...psychology disorders...their treatments...pretty interesting stuff...especially when it comes to personality...do u noe tht inside each and everyone of us there r actually 3 different minds?..they r the id..ego..and superego...id go for immediate gratification...ego is more in line with reality or is the opposite of ego...superego is the mind tht distinguish which is right and wrong...for example..in the morning ur alarm clock ring...u wake up but ur id wants to get more slp and miss the history class...but ur ego on the other hand...tells u tht u hav to wake up and attend the class bcos u r failing it...theres this conflict...which one wins?..it depends on ur lvl of superego...if u r the more er...well rebellious type...ur id wins..vice versa...then there r more controversial matters...sigmund freud and his theory on the unconscious mind...its just a bit disturbing if i post up his theory here...heh google it if u r interested..=)...another thing thts really interesting is tht it is possible to completely repress memories..the main reason is usually bcos its painful...for example...i mayb beaten up as a kid once by bullies but when i grow up i don remember them (i just made this up).....interesting isnt it?...repressed memory is the thing tht gives ppl problem....bcos it has a substantial amount of effect on the person's behaviour...especially if its painful or traumatic...wad psychotherapist do is to bring out tht memory...not to let his patient suffer..but to let him or her face his or her deepest fear...For example... patient has been abused by his or her alcoholic father when he was young...but when he is grown and asked by ppl if he has ever been abused..he has no memory of it..buuut...heres the catch...he mayb exhibiting strange behaviours....called defense mechanisms...there r quite many types of them...this behaviour is the result of the repressed memory tht is currently in the unconscious part of the mind...the therapist will hav to break down these defense mechanism to help him or her face this monster inside the patient and help him or her be a better person...haha..hav i confused u?...well if i hav...the movie i mentioned last week...Good Will Hunting...will explain this whole thing i said..=)...cool movie...
after studying psychology i feel like going into clinical psychology for a career option man...one problem is holding me back though...i don hav enough emotional stamina to see 5 or mayb 10 people who r in need for someone to help them get into reality...i don mind 1 or 2...bcos i especially enjoy in helping ppl...listening to their problem...mayb provide a crying shoulder..hell if i need to provide crying shoulders and listening ears i will do it for free...cos its a good feeling to help them..=)..but when its a career...it can bring the difficulty to a whole new lvl..since u need to get a doctorate to be in practice...so yea..thts my main problem...not enough emotional stamina...i scared tht everyday i will be bombarded with 10 depressed ppl tht i myself may get affected and the people arnd me will hav to take the consequences bcos of it...haiz..consequenses consequences...haha my mum always say my heart is too soft and sensitive like girl...hahaha...trust our parents to know us better than ourselves...=)
haiz....abt a few days ago i watched an episode of smallville...4th season episode 21...its the graduation and last day of school thing...been quite some time since i thought of tht graduation day...both b4 and after Os...both hav their own speciality and uniqueness in different aspects...the b4 Os one is definitely cos its taken in our classroom...its probably the only relic i hav of the class other than the ones in my memory...i quite enjoy myself in the classroom actually...heh i still remembered playing soccer at the back of the classroom during free periods...hahaha...and struggling to stay awake during bio..geog..and amth periods....mayb sometimes a bit of phy too..quite depends on the weather too...if hot my eyelids weighs like a ton...hahaha...if cold..well...mayb abt 100 pounds only...heh...but for some reason phy remedials...amath worksheets...those things doesnt looked as bad as how i remember them now...each time i think of them i keep feeling like just turning back the clock man...seriously...i mean like now theres no chance for me to enjoy class-type of environment...as in those the same 40 ppl stay in one class while the teacher changes....here its the reverse...its different ppl wif different class..its like new faces for every class..thts wad i think is the drawback of the schools here...theres no time for us to bond like sec school...i rememebered wad clark says at the end of the episode..."Suddenly all those tests and teachers we hated...seems a lot less scary than the big question mark hanging out there."....
for my case..i remembered i didnt feel much fear yet after the last day of class or even after the formal graduation...its only after i took off from spore changi airport and looked out from the airplane window tht i realised.."hey...this is it..one chapter of my life ends while another is abt to start.."..tht word 'start' is kinda hanging arnd my mind..no big blows yet...partly bcos my dad is still wif me...only abt a week later when my dad go back to spore and i go into the dorm alone its like starting to dawn on me...and tht evening its full blow was on me...wad clark said was quite true...its a lot more scary than tests and teachers...or remedials too for tht matter..haha...its like u r put into a place u nv been to b4..know no one...the only contact u hav wif friends and family is internet..and u r given money to survive..trust me...i hav nv been so afraid in my entire life...now tht i look back..its a wonder i survived...=P...hahaha...but as the saying goes...."What doesnt kill you only makes you stronger."..now i kinda understand wad tht means...i would nv dared to actually go to another college to start all over again...but now its like my plan for next year..for some reason the fear of unknown transforms into the curiousity of the unknown..i wanna know more...and when the fear comes back...i can kinda say..."i hav survived probably the worst of adjustments...if it comes again its going to be easier.."...Having the courage to change can work wonders for the future...=)
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 9:47 PM

Eggsaster!!...haha...i wanted to make hard-boiled eggs for breakfast this morning...ended up wasting 2 eggs...one for good reason of experiment...the other egg is just becos of foolishness and bcos i just woke up...heh... put the eggs in the fridge right...for some reason the eggs a bit stuck to the container...one of them is seriously stuck...but i don noe tht...so i just pick them up ..but cannot...thought i nv use enough strength...then i squeeze and pull a bit more..then CREAK!! and haf of the egg's contents is on my hands.....my instant reaction..."oh F**k !!"...trust me...tht word is quite descriptive of the situation...lucky nv spill on carpet....if not i use more string of colorful words...lucky i alone liao...hhaha...then the other egg..well i actually put 2 eggs into boiling water...and immediately realised its a mistake when i put them into the pot...they cracked!!...can see the lines...so i realised not good to cook hard boiled eggs wif boilign water...ok so tht is learnt..my next problem...how long should i leave them simmering?...well i took one of the eggs out...and open them...and fluids came out...i was like..."could my day start any better??"...so i gave up on the last egg (its laying in a container now, figured i checked it for sunday morning) and went out to buy subs...then i went to library to finish an analysis paper...analysis of a movie...how fun is tht man??...its just great...the psychology lecturer want us to choose a movie related to a topic in the course...
I chose Good Will Hunting...an extremely good movie...especially for anyone for wants to do clinical psychology or counselling as a proffesion in the future...i spent abt 4 hours in the library doing the analysis...just the analysis sia..havent started anything on the paper...planning to do it tmr...
heard of the line "Mind over matter." ?...or even mind over body?...well i kinda feels wad it is like...to put it simply...its a strange feeling...ok let me describe it...when i play bball in spore...i can nv lay-up from the left side wif my body posture correct...buut...now i can do it as easily as laying up from the right..wads the trick?...i hav no clue...it just started during one of the games where i suddenly feel at complete unity wif my body and complete control of my limbs...its an awesome feeling...but heres the funny part...when i want to practice laying up from the left during warm ups...i cant...for some reason i come back to my awkward posture...another example is in one of the scenes in the Last Samurai..its the part where hes already captured and practising to use the japanese sword...for some reason he keep on losing control and obviously the match...so one of his samurai friends told him..."too many minds...mind of people..mind of sword..mind of opponent...too many minds..."...then he continued.."No mind"...yea at first this may sound crazy...but wad hes saying is tht he thought too much abt it...maneuvers..his footwork...body movements etc etc...heh i guess i hav to ask peak-performance experts how to do this...sounds good doesnt it..being mind and body working in one motion...
The movie Good Will Hunting said a lot of stuffs tht kinda bcome stuck and printed permanently on my mind....there r just so many good conversations in the movie...heres one good line...
Matt Damon's character was having problems wif getting close to a girl he likes now bcos he doesnt want her image to be spoiled...bcos now she is perfect..he doesnt want to spoil tht image by knowing her better and see her faults...this is wad robin william's character has to say...
"You're not perfect sport, and let me save you the suspense, this girl you've met she's not perfect either. But the question is whether or not you're perfect for each other. "
tht line is straight away stuck for life in my head once he said it...then there is this other conversation which highlights optimism...this conversation is between robin williams and his friend...
"Do you know what r the odds of winning a lottery?"
"i don noe...wad 4 to 1?"
"No, abt 30 million to 1..."
"...well i still hav a shot.."
isnt tht just remarkable?...his optimism on things is just out of this world.....well enough said...=)...theres a whole lot more lessons of love...life..taking chances...rejection to be seen in the movie...watch it when u get the chance! =)
heh..ok this paragraph here is written abt an hour after i wrote the entry...i was reading my fantasy book when i come across something tht i absolutely cannot hold for another week...ok here goes...Practicality do NOT play a part when it comes to romance issues...hear me out guys (those who..like me...r still amateurs..>_<)...hahaha...seriously...this is the part where im absolutely identical wif the main character of the story...he is completely hopeless when it comes to courting girls..he feels totally vulnerable and goes all weak in the knees when the girl he fell for is *lashing her eyelashes*...he is totally practical when it comes to relationships...hence not knowing whats romantic and whats not....the difference between me and him is his situation....he is already married...buut its kinda mandatory bcos hes a king and the queen is from another country which from past generations its always a custom for the king to marry the princess from tht country...but they do love each other...its just the princess didnt get a chance to be "chased after" by the king..well u get wad i mean by chased after...as in the flowers...the dinners...oh right..the word is courting i tink...hahaha...remember guys...Practicality is the complete opposite way of thinking when it comes to courting.....erm i tink the main ideas are originality...creativity...and the humor charm...well i don noe from the girls' point of view...but this is mine...can be wrong..since im still...well..amateur...but i think im making progress....hehehe...
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 9:52 PM
woo...its exercise power house for me since summer started...bball and soccer....heh...and im not sure which entry a few months ago i wrote the part where i lay-uped past a African American as my memory of fame in bball...well this week bball event i tink overwrote tht one..ytd i play bball right...there was abt 5 of my asian friends...we were playing wif each other and one of us invited 5 american guys to play wif us...let me describe them to u....NONE of them...and i really mean none...is the same size as us....there was only one who is abt the same height as me but more muscular....then the other 4 guys...compared to me...was a full head taller and had arms which were twice the width of mine...then we start to play..after the first basket they made...we already kinda know we r going to get killed...the way they play is so freakin fast....Buuut....(heres the part where im going to show off....brace yourselves)....after they made quite a few baskets....i took the ball from one end of the court and dribbled past 3 guys....and got to the basket to lay the ball in sweetly....hahaha...heres the part where its beautiful...when i was 'flying' in the air (hahaha, i cant help myself ...i heard one of the guys say "oh wow"...it may not mean much when u r reading it...but when u heard it its just so cool...and to hear this from a person who was abt 3 times as strong, a foot taller and twice my size, AND an american...its quite a big boost for me man....so after tht score i went through their defence 2 more times b4 my stamina lvl busted....heh...its just so cool man...but we lost...yea they play so fast tht its hard to keep up wif their pace...and wif me so much boasting on my offence...u should hav seen the way i defend...its ridiculous....when one of the guys backed me down...i hav no support wadsoever wif my legs and my body...its like pushing a revolving door (im the door)...yea cos they r just so big...but its a cool game man...=)
ah man....i hav already finished reading the Belgariad series...quite sad for me...i keep on rationing how many pages should i read in one night so tht i wont finish it so fast....but ytd night i went all the way to finish the book...since one part of the story is ending,....the ending is just so beautiful...happy endings...=)...God knows how much i love happy endings...i don wanna sound like a girl...but yea i do like happy endings...=)....i watched many smallville episodes this week...cos i borrowed the dvd series from my school library (isnt tht just awesome??)...and i found probably one of the best ending of all the smallville series (at least until now)...its in season one when clark was supposed to be an escort to lana's birthday party....lana mentioned a few days b4 tht she stopped believing in happy birthdays...the one and only time when she felt complete safe was when she was young and her parents were still alive...they both rode in the car and brought her to see a movie in the car...im not really sure how to describe it...but the audience will be in their own cars and a movie will be screened in an outdoor 'parking lot' on a large screen...anyway back to the story...clark was supposed to be the escort but as usual clark didnt appear becos he has to b a hero in another place and didnt appear for lana's birthday or be her escort..so after her party when she was back home in her bedroom on the second floor...clark came...he tossed rocks at her window pane to get her attention since its late and he didnt want to disturb her aunt by coming into her house...so heres the conversation when lana came to the window to talk to clark in the garden on the ground floor...(enrique iglesias's hero was playing in the background)
Lana: You kinda missed cocktail hour....
Clark: I know....Im sorry...
Lana (shrugging): Told you i don believe in happy birthdays a long time ago...
Clark: Maybe I can change that...
(Lana gave the doubtful and disappointed look at him from the window.)
Clark: Look, i know i blew it tonight...but at least let me give u ur present....
Lana (puzzled): When?
Clark (smiling fondly) : now..
(In the next scene they were in clark's truck which was parked in his farm...in front of them was a large screen showing a movie. Enrique Iglesias's hero still playing softly in the background)
Lana: Pass the popcorn. (laughing)
(Clark passed her the popcorn...and after a second or two....)
Clark: Lana?
Lana (smiling and still watching the movie): Yes?
Clark: Happy Birthday.
Lana (turning slowly at him and smiled cheekily) : Shhhh.
Clark laughed fondly at her.
The camera then went out of the truck and into the big scene where their truck was in front of the big screen and as the music slowly dies....the show ends....
oh man...can u ask for a more beautiful ending than tht..i described it the best way i can...i hop u guys can visualise it in ur mind...if u guys want to see it...its smallville season one episode 6 or 7 im not so sure...its just so beautiful...Smallville rocks man!!...haha...
lol most of today's entry all smallville..hahaha...its just so good man the show...but now for some reason its not as good anymore...i prefer them when they r in season one and 2...where everything is still ok between characters...now its like full of distrust...but theres still a good episode in season 5 though...i know it havent shown in spore but its episode 18 if im not wrong..titled fragile...heh i seem to run out on wad to discuss abt...some subjects came to my mind some time this week but i cant recall it now...oh well...at least i told u guys a story right?...hahaha...=)
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 11:11 PM
Its been one loooong week man.....im like all over the place this week wif my application process for columbia university....im actually haf way arguing wif a person who replied to my mail...i thought the person was not someone very big...cos of the way he replied...he said i was not telling the truth...in a way calling me a liar..well theres 2 sides of the story...the general base of the story is tht i put in my application english as my native language...but i took an engl class for non-native class...bcos of tht reason according to the guy...he kinda called me a liar...i was so pissed after i read tht line i immediately went to the gymn and worked out...well this is my side of the story...in a lot of ways engl IS my native language...if u ask me to write an indo essay...u can expect some crappy content and grammar..compared if i were to write an engl essay...so anyway....the next day my friend max went to the uni to check...and found out tht i got accepted...i hav no idea wad happened...and i found out the guy who pissed me off is actually the Dean of Student Admission....dean...do u guys get tht word....its nuts seriously....but i got ACCEPTED !!!...i was so ecstatic when i heard tht....now all my plans can come true...tour in the streets of new york...go arnd times square...walk arnd central park...and the most beautiful of all...im gonna watch Phantom of The Opera on Broadway....omg...i don now how to compress my excitement till the day i watch it...i i can i will take picts of the opera....if i can...cos they may ban cameras and all...but yea..i seriously cant wait for the phantom...haha...
I went to a mass today...surprised?...well actually the mass is dedicated to the victims of the recent earthquake in indonesia...i want to come bcos i feel like this is the least i could do....and the father...or the guy who leads the mass...speaks on the topic of death...he mentioned tht not many ppl want to discuss this..especially my age peoples....becos its for ppl who r already old...so some ppl just tink tht the subject of death is not worth discussing becos its not time yet....well in my opinion...im pretty sure thts wad some people in jogja thought exactly...but the earthquake hits them...and whether they like it or not...it is their time to go...death does not care if u just had a fight wif ur loved one....had an unfinished business contract...just won a billion dollars...or wadever..death will take u away just like tht...
this kinda ties in wif wad i watched on smallville yesterday.... lex was shot and while in coma he was given a vision of the future after he was shot and if he made all the right decisions...he had everything...and wad i mean by everything is he had many close friends...lana as his wife...a perfect son...this happens IF he made the decision of realising wad is the most important things in life...which is the people arnd u...i mean...my point is tht just cherish the ppl arnd u...i noe some of u r probably not able to express it wif words (tht includes me)...but u can express it wif actions...simple actions means quite a lot...guys probably arent a big fan of hugging...but wad we can do is tht simple actions like the act of the human touch...i don noe how to describe this but...yea i don noe how to describe this exactly..but u just noe the power of the human touch la...babies yearn for this A LOT...trust me...if u watch closely...when they r put down by their parents on their cradle...they would sometimes..or most of the time cry...or make noise...then the baby's parent will pick the baby up to calm the baby by carrying him or her arnd...whispering calming words into their ear...and in the parent's hands...the baby will calm down..this is due to the power of human touch...its just tht powerful...i mean it works on the baby...and a baby is the most honest thing on earth...if the baby doesnt like u..he or she wont pretend to like u...if the baby is not happy...he will scream and cry...if she doesnt like the food...she will just throw out the food from her mouth...if he likes u...he will stick wif u and b fond of ur company... they r just such sincere creatures and even though so young...we can learn quite a bit from them...one would be the power of the human touch...as we grow older...we change in the ways we express our feelings...when we r furious...some of us will go to the gymn to work out...some will listen to loud music...some will drink till they couldnt think clear etc etc...when we r sad...some of us will just mask those feelings...some will write an entry on their journal...some will cry in private etc etc....but then even as we grow from a baby...even though our ways of expressing feelings change...our feelings doesnt change...the emotions we all feel as human beings still remain unchanged...we all want to feel loved...feel joy...but we cant just scream and cry anymore right...heh...
This week i finally found one drawback of wisdom--> outsmarting urself....ok lets take me for an example...a lot of time i've been struggling wif proving myself tht im not the person u see on report cards...i mean here...my grades r just not good at all for now...and as much as i want to explain myself or to myself tht im hardworking and everything...it just shows clearly on the report tht im not hardworking...well in a way im just not effecient enough....trust me if anyone sees how much i work and study for O lvls...they would not believe i got 15....nobody actually seen how much i worked for it...its just nuts...then when i got the results...its like 'ah wad the hell'...and then come the waves of ppl having the impressons tht i hav not been working hard enuff when they noe the results...it just sucks like hell...but then when i want to tell them tht i worked my ass off for it...my mind will just take out tht very annoying quote..."Its not who we are underneath, but what we do that defines who we are." (i quoted this too last entry)...well in my case of results...its not wad i do...but the results tht defines me as a person...i can scream "Its not fair!!" all i want...but wads the use...thts y the only other thing tht has been keeping me from drowning in self-disappointment is the fact tht since its done..its done...learn wadever i can from it and do my best not to repeat it again...this is probably the only drawback of wisdom...everyone is definitely going to scrutinize a wise person if he will walk his talk...they will judge the person on his reaction in almost every situation...i noe cos i too always look at ppl from akltg and my parents and my friends if they walk their talk..like if wad they say now is coherent to wad they will say in a different situation...heh u can say the wiser the person is...the more social pressure there are on the person...but in some ways this is good...cos the person will definitely grow...
heh as i read further the books tht i mentioned as my ultimate favorite novels The Belgariad and The Mallorean series (both by the same author)....i realised how much impact these books had on me...since this is the second time im reading all ten novels...i recalled the experience i underwent when i read this book the first time when i was sec one...tht was like when i was 14 yrs old...i mean seriously...it has a tremendous impact on my personality and character....if u guys want to give it a shot...u can read the novels and will find out tht i hav many traits tht come from the characters of the book...there r a number of characters in the book...but there r usually abt 8 main ones...they all hav distinctly different chacteristics...one will be impossibly cheeky..one will be super brave...one will be the ultimate leader...one will b the ultimate "mother" etc etc..from each of these characters i unconsciously took away, combine, and adopt the personalities...for some reason im actually doing it all unconsciously...and wads more it kinda brings into me the love thing...this..is the ultimate negative impact on me...now tht i tot of it...its not smallville tht makes me think boyfriend-girlfriend relationships occurs naturally...its THESE novels tht did it..im 100% sure of it..heh for some reason this is the book tht gave me absolute hopelessness when it comes to romance issues....but well its probably a give and take situation...if not for the books to spark my interest of how to bcome a the best person i can be (aktlg are responsible for blossoming this interest)....i would not be who i am today...=)
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 11:16 PM