Sunday, September 24, 2006
Yo ppl...argh last week i thought i hav to create a whole new blog bcos there seems to be something wrong bcos i cant see my blog page at all...but anyway i found wads the problem and its pretty here i am..=) wondering wads tht thing in the picture?....for those of u who go to the hospital often may recognize it as some kind wrist band for the patients...heh its on mine 2 weeks this is wad happened...i participated for a tkd demonstration 2 weeks ago for a number of sections...namely board breaking and sparring....well i only got to one of them....not even one...during the sparring 'opponent' and i kinda got a little i thought i can make the match a little interesting...i went in to attack him...and the next thing i remember was waking up 15 mins later....heh...the thing is tht when i went in for the attack...the guy did a back kick on me...basicallly a kick whereby a person turns around and kick using his heel...i didnt use a mouth guard at tht point wad i heard from my friends is tht they just saw me lying motionless on the floor....they thought i was kidding around...but they kinda get the message when both my coaches hav to carry me off the main area...the audience at tht point i heard was kinda all have their hands on their sounds kinda glorious...but if u noe how it feels like to be in tht position...u wont ever be in tht moment ever....even though i was conscious...i didnt know wad was happening around head was sooo hurting that it feels like its splitting right in the middle....after only about 15 minutes later tht i gain more awareness...and aware of the fact tht my lips is torn on the inside...if some of my sec 3 peace ppl know wad happened to me in sec 3 in class where i tried to b a monkey...yea the same thing happened to my lips except now its on the left side...
then i wasdriven to the hospital emergency care by police....haha the coach actually called the police...but don get shocked by the word emergency...they took like 45 mins b4 a doctor come and check me...did a brain scan on me bla bla then i called my mum...first words are..."Mah...Im in the hospital now..."..wahahaha...yea well she freaked out defintely,....oh well wad do u expect...but well im ok its ok...=)
haha....crazy way to start off the new semester...first i got drunk for the first time...then this thing my resident assistant....basically the one they call when i got into an accident...told me..."What doesnt kill you only makes you stronger.."...heh how timely is tht huh...=)....but yea..this semester has been a real stretch for me again,...but not as big of a stretch like last semester...this semester kinda tested me heavily on my time management mostly...i go school in the morning..afternoon work...night usually either work out or tkd...then weekend do all hw...darn it a bit siao...
Oh i realise wads the definition of Business casual...means formal long sleeve clothes without tie...i went for a career fair last week...and i went in polo T and black pants...i thought i should be ok...when i got there...i saw ppl with blazers...i was like "oh damn"...i feel so lucky im a freshman...becos if i actually hav to look for internship...i would probably bury my head in the ground throughout the fair...everyone look so formal..then i went for a business talk by Best Buy Chief Financial Officer and VP Darren Jackson...who is a graduate from marquette...How COOL is tht??..hes a pretty funny guy too...i could dare say tht he started off almost similarly as me..his gpa coming into college was B-...and got a 19 for ACT (Im not sure how much is tht...but he said they gave u an 18 for writing your name...haahahaha...i think tht was a joke...)...he is also quite hopeless when it comes to girls!!...bcos he told a story on how he met his wife in marquette...
But now he is like in the board of trustees for the university and voted for quite a number of titles...and he only about me he is something like a help to me everytime i get a bad grade...bcos he shows tht grades doesnt mean helps...but its not as important as personality and spirit...=)....
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 12:12 AM
Saturday, September 09, 2006

heya guys...heh this photo was taken about a year and haf ago...heh my dad told me i look like darth vader in this photo...hahaha anyway..this has been quite a week for me...for things to start off...last sunday first time i got drunk...being drunk actually feels worse...but for me..tht was drunk enough...hehe....ok it went like friends called me up at 11 to ask me to come to one of my friends' place to surprise another friend for her birthday...we r gonna surprise her at anyway...i came to her place...then a friend offered me a milkshake but with a bit of alcohol in i drank it...and started to feel thts tht...then everyone drank being the youngest one...drank a sparkling with about 10% alcohol in it...its about the size of a small tiger beer haf way through we all drank not wanting to b a spoilsport...i drank it too...i started to feel so warm and a little giddy....then while everyone was drinking shots...i continued drinking the sparkling...its ironic bcos at this moment i was suddenly curious how does it feel to be drunk...anyway i continued to drink...until its THT point..i can hear the pulse beating in my head...i was so warm tht my arms is eyes were friends were all kinda concerned bcos im known among my friends to b the young one and a person who cannot withstand alcohol...they r like 'stand up...walk arnd...drink water...'...then we watch a movie...i was like ' ok...' my eyes during those moments were like haf closed...even though i want to wide open my cannot stay open for a half throughout the movie...i decided to go back to my dorm room when i feel a little stomach by then got tht warning of me gonna throw yea i got back...luckily safely...luckily i did not throw up...but i was like gonna fall over anytime when i got i hit my bed and slept..heh...interesting start to the week...
THEN...the most tragic and shocking news came in the morning...steve irwin passed away....well u noe how i feel abt the issue la...but yea it is tragic...a person actually said kinda...'don go into this line of work...'...but to is actually some kind of me...i prefer to live a short but full of meaning like his...rather than a long but full of mediocre achievements...his death inspire me to want to achieve my goal even more...a few years back i wanted to open and manage my own nature park...but now i thought to myself...if i don hav the expertise...i cant really make tht much of an impact...or even worst i can screw up and end up destroying wad i want to instead i reformed my goal...i will pump at least 1 million usd into a well-known conservation steve irwin's zoo or one of his conservation grps "Wildlife Warriors"...but yea...i figured with their help my money can be managed and used more effectively by the people who has been doing this for years better than me....but this goal will be accomplished when im damn it...its still quite a long way...but if i bcome successful earlier in life...i will pump the money into the name of steve irwin...u noe wads the ironic thing...i imagined myself meeting steve irwin myself when i donated the money into his organisation...i imagined myself signing the contract and shaking hands with its not possible...but im actually honored enough if i can just meet one of the members of his family...
A couple of weeks earlier i actually thought of wad purpose actually means...wad i read in the 'Purpose-Driven Life' is tht 'It's not about you.' it take me some time to realise tht....i noe la harry, u would probably b saying..."took u long enough'.....yea well it takes some solid examples for me to realise steve irwin...i realise tht our purpose is to contribute in one way or another to the people or animals around my point of view...i think we hav different purpose for everyone we meet...bcos i came across a quote mayb about a week goes like this..."Think you will not have a impact in this world? Too late. There are people whom you meet who would never be the same again, for better or for worse, after meeting and knowing you."....this me..kinda highlights my understanding least my purpose is you...the people around me...for now tht is my purpose...and when im bcome more powerful...not like superman powerful..haha...but like hav more power to make a difference...i will expand this purpose...bcos its probably us tht is going to hav to definie wad our purposes are in this world...well so much abt me talking abt such noble stuffs....for now im just a student living in a world full of complications, challenges and questions....but what is a world without these 3? heaven?...
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 10:22 PM
Monday, September 04, 2006

This entry is a tribute to the loving memory of Steve Irwin. Great conservationalist, great environmentalist, great father. When I read the news this morning after lunch I did not believe my eyes at all. It's something which I thought I will never live to see. It's just so sad the fact that there is no warning what-so-ever to this tragedy.
Steve had done the world such a favour that it is very hard for others to do what he did. He brought wildlife literally into the living rooms of those who doesn't have the chance to see animals and nature in the wild (like me). I am actually still in a bit of denial of the fact that Steve Irwin, the Steve Irwin, has passed away. When I watched CNN showing his past interview with Larry King, he is just so full of energy that I think few people who went on Larry King before ever had.
Steve, to me, has and will always be an inspiration. When I was about 14 and 15 years old, I watch his shows almost daily, just being captured by his actions and enthusiasm around animals. It is because of him, and another environmentalist Jeff Corwin (but thats another story), that inspired me to help animals in the future. I have always wanted to be like him, you know, catching snakes, going in the wild, being an educator to the people about misunderstood animals. His enthusiasm for conservation and animals is just unparalled. When I see other environmentalist try to do a tv show that has the same goal of educating the people, I can see that just by comparison, Steve is unique. What he said about God putting him in this world for a purpose is true. His purpose is to help animals and educate the world about them. He, like none other environmentalists, has exposed misunderstood animals like snakes, spiders and crocodiles in a positive light. He has made them into animals which people not come to fear, but to respect.
His last words to his manager and his long-time friend was, "I had a great time these past few days and had a great life." (It's something like that, I don't remember as much).
Steve, this is from all the animals in the Animal Kingdom and from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Rest in Peace.
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 9:49 PM
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Yo ppl...heh see any difference in my room?...haha the posters man....arent they just anyway..First Week Back in School!!...its really fun to be back in marquette...first thing is definitely the friends i met again...especially the indonesians...i just came back from dinner with them and im telling u...its one of those times when i remember for a lifetime bcos of one...i laugh so much tht my cheek kinda hurt after a while...the laughters is due to the fact tht we r playing this knowledge game...kinda a knowledge game with the question and answer but the answer must be presented in 4 different ways...heh its just too long for me to explain ...but i had such a blast with my team of complete jokers....even though we ended up in the third position (out of 4)....we had so much laughter tht i don really care abt it...hahahaha....
then the second thing y i will remember it so much is the fact tht i actually drank not sure wads the technical term for it...i drank just 2 of it i didnt get drunk or anything...just that my body got very hot and warm....its not nice i tell u...its soo strong for me...even though for others they say its ok...but me im probably not tht strong for alcohol drinks...but the event is initiation...its an event where they bully the since im still considered one..they bully me and ask me questions...if i got them wrong...i hav to drink haf a shot...heh i get a discount bcos the indos know im not so strong towards alcohol..(they forced me to drink beer b4 too) hahaha....wad i said abt them in the first few entries r so true abt them...they r like home in milwaukee for me...whenever im hanging out wif them...i don feel as if im in milwaukee at all..its like im back in spore...i hop u guys will get a chance to meet these great ppl one day...=)
well other than tht...its quite ridiculous tht in 4 the only asian...and the classes aint small...they r like 30 to 40 ppl...i was like hmm...the only class where there is asian has like 200 ppl in yea thts pathetic...heh and its hard to skip classes too..=P..hahahahaha...since the lecturer will definitely know as there is no asian in the class on the day i skip..hahahaim just joking...i usually skip classes for good reason...last smst i skip abt 3 was bcos im so sick tht i feel like my head was anchored...then another occasion i overslept in the library as i slept like only 4 hours the previous day...the other one i forgot....heh...
then i went to organisation fest...its called CCA orientation in spore...well when i went to my organisation's stand...i met more familiar faces which really kinda made me happy... we definitely had fun attracting customers to join our tkd club....OH YA!..guess wad..i got quite many feedbacks abt my new thick hair tht is..2 ppl said i look like liu kang...u noe tht mortal kombat guy in the movie...generally the main character of the movie....=)...then wads even more far-fetched is tht 2 other guy one girl...say tht i look like F4's dao ming noe wads on u guys' mind..."YA RIGHT!!"...and then u guys will do tht vomit action (J, control yourself from really vomitting...ur bro is getting a compliment and u should b proud of it=))...hahaha..right??...yea well when i heard it i was like.."really?"...well im realistic enough to know tht im not even close to daoming si...but since ppl say not gonna reject it or anything..hahaha....wad u guys think?...dao ming si or liu kang? (u can google liukang if u want)...or u guys might even tell me wad i look like now...(please be nice, ppl)
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 12:42 AM