hoho...look at tht picture...isnt it artistic....i took it this afternoon at about 12...thought its a nice enough day outside and the sun was shining into my dorm room..so i decided to do another silhouette photo....i just kinda decide to do it spontaniously...so my hair is still kinda messed up...=)
went to another tkd testing this morning...im going up the rank pretty fast man...hehehe...about a year more than i probably can reach black belt in tkd and my second as a member of the martial arts world....
lol talk about writer's block....i just cant focus for some reason now....even though i have some of the most beautiful music in the world now....i mean beautiful as in the classical type....im now listening to a music track from king kong movie...if u guys watch the movie...u may remember the scene where king kong and the lead actress was kinda spending their last happy moments in central park...playing on the frozen small lake...well im listening to tht scene's background music now...its just really beautiful and soothing....another song tht i recommend for the disturbed soul is 'Into the West' by howard shore in the lord of the rings soundtrack and 'A Hard Teacher' from the last samurai soundtrack...they can really calm your sould whenever u feel distracted...sad...or wadever feelings tht is not tht favorable....enjoy =)
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 12:20 AM

yooo...hehe even though this week since thursday is mid term break....for some reason i still am able to find some stuffs to be busy with...on thurday i went to chicago to meet indo consulate about some event stuffs...then the whole day kinda taken up bcos of the trip...then friday i woke up and study for about 2 hours then play bball then come back a little too tired for studying....then today!!...hehe i went for another tkd tournament...which is y im showing off those trophies to u now...haha...well actually only the 2 on the left are the new ones...as in i won them today...while the other 2 i won last smst....and its understandable if u ask wad rank trophies they are....well they r first..=)...i got a cleansweep today....took first place in all 3 divisions i competed in...but they got trophies shortage...so darn it...i hav to wait....i just cant stop showing them off now...so bear wif me a bit...wahaha...
this smst man is quite a big temptation for me....or should i say temptations....i meet seriously quite a number of pretty girls.....for some reason its only this smst when i meet them...last smst i only remembered one tht kinda caught my eye in one of my classes...but she already had a boyfriend...so kinda out of bounds...hehe...but this smst man....daaammnn...yea i sound like a freakin perv here...but seriously...for me it goes deeper than just be gawking at the girls....its both of whether i hav the correct mind set enough to know my priorities..orrrr...if i hav the balls to ask them out....its up to u in which point of view u wanna take...but yea for me its kinda both bcos my schedule is seriously hectic this smst...im not kidding u...but also on the other hand as much as i wanna believe that...i know for now i don hav enough courage to ask a girl out...not yet anyway....wads more almost all the girls i met are older than me...but most didnt know im 17 too...heh...well at least when i went to the tournament today i met a girl who is probably younger than me bcos her sis who is already a black belt is 17...so i assumed shes younger....but anyway,...yea the younger one tht i spoke to really kinda caught my attention...but as much as i wanna get her number or wadever....don u think its kinda hard for me who only knew her for only a few minutes of talking and shes not even in the same university and i don hav a car to fecth her?....heh yea im making all the excuses...well they r wise excuses...
some people say when it comes to love matters u use ur heart....but i say use your brain to put a restrain on ur heart...becos heres my theory....our heart and emotion are powerful stuff...so powerful tht if u don get a handle of it...u may just lose control...like i did a few years back....one of the most important lessons i took away from tht is use ur mind to interpret wadever ur heart says....the common belief of ur heart being more romatic more than ur brain is only partly right...just partly....just think on tht theory for a second...im not really kinda elaborate bcos for some reason my mind just go blank...hahaha....anyway....7 more weeks till i return!! =)
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 1:53 AM
hello hello...isnt tht picture beautiful...its taken in bishan park...hahahaha...yea right...its actually taken in new zealand...im still shorter than both my parents at tht time...its like in 2003..now im taller!!..huahuahua....anyway yea if u guys like to go on a vacation and taking a break from emails and phone calls for businesses or homework or project meetings....go to new zealand...im telling u...tht place can soothe and calm the most complex and hectic minds in the world...endless mountains...lush forests....winding rivers...clear lakes...its just such a fantasy on earth...u cant blame peter jackson for shooting lord of the rings there...i hav one more photo tht if u put aragorn and legolas in it...u will think its actually from the movie...becos its just a magnificent view...
heh just now i watch a clip from a movie...im not sure wad the name of the movie is but steve martin is the main character...so he is walking down his daughter down the aisle...and...something strikes me.... one day...one day..one of my friends or my sister (yes J, it can b u one day) can be tht girl in the white gown walking towards the man whom she will spend her life with....and at tht moment..i can actually imagine myself thinking..."wow..wad a journey has it been..."...i kinda partly understand now why parents cry during the wedding ceremony...seeing their child grown up....a part of them progressing into another chapter of his or her life...realising tht (mayb for the first time) their child is grown up and is ready to face the world...is all pretty overwhelming...i cant really put them all into words..but trust me...when the day comes when u see ur child walking down tht aisle...u will feel it..i noe i noe..a little too far fetched...but as i said b4...nv hurts looking ahead...better than looking behind anyway...
its usually also during those times tht time is going and going and going....its during those times tht..if u r the friend of the bride or groom...tht u kinda wanna say..."the day when i met him or her the first time was just like ytd..."...its also during those times tht u realise..."damn...i am getting old..." hahaha...yea well i had quite a lot of those moments this year...well not in a wedding definitely..but when im going to do the things tht usually the older ppl will do...like opening a bank account...paying wif credit card...going for job interviews..we can get to a position when we say..."nah this is for our parents to do.."...then we suddenly think to ourself.."hey..we r old enough now..."...hahaha...ever had those times where ur mom and dad put something out of ur reach in the closet and one day...u just reach for it and grab it....and u go like..."hey!..i got it!!.."...haha...for me its only then tht i think to myself...where did the time of me just looking at tht chocolate bar longingly on the top closet and cant get it?...well don call me dumb for not getting a chair for increased height...but i wasnt tht smart at tht time....hahahaha....but yea..childhood huh...where did it go....sometimes i feel the problem with reality is tht... u actually hav to go through the future to understand tht the present is sometimes better...tht was how i feel about reality...sometimes at present..u think to yourself..."how i wish i can go back to those times..",,...BUT during "those times"....u think to urself the same thing..just tht u wanna go back to an earlier past...well..at least tht was wad happened to me...learning to let go from time to time can be difficult huh....yea...telll me about it...-_-
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 12:15 AM

hey ppl...check out the new pict of me in the tkd club!!..heh yea im showing off...made some pretty good friends there...all older than me..one even 27 years old...thts like a decade older than me...hahaha...heres the funny thing...my coach is 21 yrs old...(hes the guy 4th from the right..kinda in the back ground)...but he is a 4th degree black belt!!!...thts like another degree to the title master...its nuts man..he studies gymnastics too..so u can imagine how awesome his kicks are...if u wanna see a bigger (and clearer) picture u can visit the Marquette TKD....=)...
lol my weeks are getting more and more mudane as the weeks pass...but heres the good thing...its passing by pretty quick for me...sometimes on thursday evening i was like..."damn...its thurday already?"...let december 15 come faster!!...
i just downloaded this song called "If We Hold On Together" by Diane Ross...its a theme song from the Land Before Time....its a pretty old cartoon but quite a classic one...its in the music video section for this week...even though its peter pan stuffs...the song is from the dino cartoon...its just bcos i cant find the song's music video so i put peter pan's in...when i hav the time...im actually planning to make a class photo slide show video with this music in the background....it will b so beautiful....but tht is...when i hav the time...
im running out of subjects to talk for now...but stick arnd for more subjects to come..hahaha..
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 12:08 AM

woo...coming into the 6th week of the semester...time just flies by and i do hope it flies even faster....then when i come back to spore and indo it will slow down....its just so crazy how time flies by when we r busy with our own lives....its lucky that from the beginning i always set saturday nights for a time where i can put all books away and sit down..calm my mind...and pour out my thoughts of the week into the blog...its just a little amazing how much sometimes a person can accumulate in his mind when even though the schedule is hectic...
heh anyway this picture was taken in 2003 i think....yea...looonng time ago...but i still remember tht moment when the picture was taken....we were all in some kind of resort house in indonesia in the mountains...so its kinda cool the temperature...then tht night we went out to by firecrackers...or i don really know the technical name of it...but we want to play with it...so me and my sis...having grown up in singapore..are virgins to firecrackers...so we let our cousins experts to do the work..heh..the master is the one in the middle in front...heh he told this really sick story of his childhood when he put the firecracker on a pile of cow dung.....he set it off and if u can imagine wad happen....u r right..the cowdung all fly in different direction...wahahaha...its quite hilarious when u think of it.
I think 2 weeks ago i was asked by one of my us friends wad kind of things do i find different here then in where i grew up...well i practically grew up in spore bcos in indo i was barely conscious to make any stupid and naughty decisions...heh thts wad childhood is all about right?...making stupid...damn funny and naughty decisions tht u will know will end up badly...well anyway...i answered her tht im envious of the childhood they hav in the US...i mean trust me i couldnt even start to imagine wad kind of person i will b if i grew up the way they were...not tht its bad...bcos usually asians will think americans childhood are just so wild...well im looking in the other aspect of wild...i mean...my roommate gets to hold a rifle at the age of 12....then in school he mentioned there is someone who set off a thousand mice for april fools....can u imagine tht??...i mean if tht happens in kcp...hehe it will be a sight to behold...my roommate sails too...heh where can u get to do tht in spore?...spore river?...use fan blow the sail?...haha yea i noe im being dumb...i think there r sailing stuffs in east coast or something...but i don think its offered for an activity....wad i said was....the people in spore may come out smarter when they graduate from universities...but people graduating from us universities will hav had more fun and coming out more streetsmart...plus....everyone gets to drive here by the age of 16!!...i feel like an idiot without a driver's license...how get gf like tht??? take bus?...wahaha...heh anyway those dilemmas i had about girls a few weeks ago...now i got a valid excuse for ignoring the pressure of whether to answer love's knock on my door or not...TIME...yea...im almost squeezed dry for time now...but at least its a vaild enough excuse...=)..
i got to watch a bit of armageddon ytd....geez i love the movie man....feel like getting the dvd of it... so cool yet so moving at the same time...if u guys watch it...u may remember the last part when bruce willis say his goodbye to his daughter...pretty moving scene...sometimes i keep thinking...if there is anyway i wanna leave this earth...tht will be the way...leaving a legacy...catch the movie if u havent!!...i guarantee u u will love it...=)
DanieL counted
snowflakes at 12:25 AM