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Sunday, June 24, 2007
I watched 2 movies this week. Evan Almighty and Jerry McGuire. These 2 movies are kinda 11 years apart when it comes to the release but... when it comes to themes...they are almost identical: Faith.
" You think when you ask for things from God, things like lemme get an A for my psychology class, help me save money, help me get closer to my friends, help me be happier, help me get closer to family and so forth... Do you think God will just give you that A, give you a million dollar check, become a friend magnet, make you feel like you are on top of the world, and bring you to your family with warm fuzzy feelings? You bet he won't. BUT what he will give you are: Opportunities. He will give you opportunities to get that A, gove you opportunities and situations for you to take to be closer to your families."
Isn't it beautiful? When i was watching it and listening to what he said (I added a bit to what he said by the way hehe), the feeling comes to me like....the sunshine breaking through that block of dark cloud... and I'm old enough to say that those type of moments don't come too often. I might not be able to give you the full impact of what that line just mean to me or to humanity, but maybe I can give you a little nudge to let you watch the movie. You can ignore the kinda-lame plot, but the lesson is invaluable.
And then just now i watch Jerry McGuire. Its basically a story of a sports agent who were once big and then lost everything, everything but one more client. Well you can say, "Oooh, one of THOSE stories." well i said that too at the beginning... but it doesn't hurt to watch this kind of movies from time to time. Anyway McGuire met this lady who believed in him when everything in his life seem to just fall. This kinda reinforce my belief on the importance of good people around us. It's a talent to find whos real and whos fake among us. God gave us an *opportunity* to that talent through bad situations. I believe that a person's character is truly tested in times of crisis. Anyway before i get to cheesy for you, i think its a great movie. Its an old movie, so maybe you cannot find it in a small dvd shop. But when you have the chance, look for the dvd in any big shops, like HMV or something. It might give you another perspective of life, another perspective of people, and most important of all, another map to guide you through the path of life. =)
Monday, June 18, 2007
Remember those times when you feel so uneasy and uncomfortable that you can't even do simple things? the feeling is like as if there is something very not right about something that has always been right in your very foundation as a person. This very thing creates the foundation of you and forms the basis of your personality. So far in your life this thing or idea has been what is always constant when everything else aren't. I'm talking about: Our parents or parenting figures. Since young they have always been the one who guides you wherever you go and do, and we children see them as the people who always knows what is right and is our counsel of life. They are always the one who appear the strongest and wisest when it comes to many situations.
I thought the feeling can just go away, but stayed on. So I turned to one of my enduring heroes... Many people might thought this is dumb, but I don't care, because everyone has their own coping mechanisms. Mine is just taking my mind off everything in the world, put on my trusty headphones, and watch my hero. I just watched his movie and now I'm feeling all better. Explanation? I have none. It's one of those there-but-no-there kind of hero that I turn to for relief. Some people pray, some watch TV, some eat and drink like theres no tomorrow.
I think I have told other people that I'm more than an ordinary fan of superman. On the lighter note, its not that I idolize him or anything. It's just that when that foundation rattles, it has that domino effect of impacting everything. I was actually supposed to study just now, but i thought getting that uneasyness out of the way might be a better idea in the long run, because I don't think this is the way I want to start the new week.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Today i wanna talk about something that has constantly been on my mind in the past year or so...i have never rrally gotten to write about them because for some reason this subject kinda runs away from me everytime i think of a subject i wanna write for a post. Anyway the subject is : Money.
Now on the contrary, I have an experience where i work for a pretty high wage, but i dont really enjoy doing the job. Coming to work becomes quite a pain, because the thoughts that I can be doing something else in the mean time keep firing off in my mind. We dont really want to be in that situation too, because before you know it you are 60 and you have kinda wasted your life doing something you dont enjoy.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
I just watch this movie Knocked not sure if they show it in spore...but its basically a comedy about a guy who got a girl pregnant from one-night-stand...the guy is a total slob while the girl is just a hot and a going-to-be successful news reporter...the whole comedy is in the part where they are trying to figure out each is created by the same person who brought us the 40-year-old virgin...
You definitely have heard of the saying "Accept a person for who he or she is" right?...well this is one of those saying that im still doing my best to get my head around...its a lot easier said than done... there are definitely times when you have a close friend who has habits that just annoys the hell out of you right?...and sometimes you just wanna tell him or her that it is wrong to do it whichever way is done...well for some people its something to enjoy when they thought about it...but when u r in the situation itself dont u just wanna strangle the life out of ur friend?...
"I hate to break it to you, kid, but you are not perfect. And this girl you are seeing, she isn't perfect either. The real question, however, is whether you are perfect for one another."
Invaluable advice for life, don't you think? =)
About The Author
Ok this is me in a nutshell: reflective...hardworker...goofy sense of fashion(just common sense)...messy...hopeless romantic ;)...enthusiastic learner (depends on wad subject)...easygoing...loves family and friends...internet/msn addict...library bug...into fantasy stuffs...mugger...single-minded at times...AKLTG Alumni...can be kuku at certain subjects (fashion for example)...wahaha..ok thts however much i can describe friends definitely hav more to it good or bad...enjoy the visit in my blog !
Other Chapters of His Life
Places He Frequents By
His Companions
In This Life
Delta Goodrem
Wisdoms of Life
Basketball, Martial Arts, Personal Development, Smallville, Superman, Southpark, Authentic Asian food (pls no sweet and sour chicken wif fried starting to get sick of it), Snowing days (its beautiful =) ), Fantasy and medieval stories, Rasberry ice lemon tea ( replaced green tea here)
Blow a Snowflake