hey hey hey...What a week this has been...I have probably said tht countless times on this blog. But seriously this week has been one of the most enjoyable and craziest weeks in my life...
For a start, I joined the UBS Wealth Management Program this week, more or less a break from the internship that I have currently with the same company. It's a program designed for people around my age to learn more about the finance world. I was excited to go mainly because of the reason for taking a step back from the working world to think more about where I am. Oh boy did I receive a lot more than tht. I'm just smiling to myself just by thinking about the memories I have from last week.
I guess what stands out most is my party life. As you might know, I never really go to parties, moreover my low tolerance for alcohol is more or less known. Last week itself, I had more alcohol than I had in my entire life. I was convinced that I'm so sick of alcohol that I had an interesting end of the day last tuesday. Anyway then I went clubbing on wednesday and friday. Wednesday was my first time going to a club, so I was a little awkward going about the place. But it did open my eyes to a place i have imagined before but never thought it really exist as I have imagined it to be. Anyway I geared myself up as I went clubbing again on the last day of the program, and I had a blast because I was a lot more comfortable dancing to the music.
The people on the program? They are such an awesome bunch. It has been a while since I have that much of a good time with people I have only known for a week. The people there can be just so smart at times that I'm at awe. Most of the people I know there also have a stomach for alcohol that I'm equally at awe. But no matter which days you pick, it was just so cool hanging out with them that when it comes to the graduation of the program at the end of the week, it feels like the graduation I have from secondary school. I was feeling nostalgic all day today because it feels weird not being around them during the day and having plans of partying during the night. You know what I fear most? That the relationships are lost as quickly as they are created due to lack of keeping in touch. Not to end off this part of the paragraph on a sad note, I am sure we wont really lose contact quickly because of facebook, which I today officially made a switch to from friendster.